
These are the final programs released on They are made available here with permission of the original author. We cannot provide any support or warranty for these materials.


Files and support materials


3/9/18: Optimized blocking and updated linking algorithm.

Installation Instructions:
  1. Create a “C:\Link King” directory

  2. Download (The Link King v9.0 for SAS) and unzip into C:\Link King

  3. For 64-bit installations copy “Summon Link King 64” (shortcut) to desktop.

You should be able to launch The Link King by double-clicking the shortcut.

a) modify the properties of the shortcut and/or lk_config_64.cfg (for 64 bit)


b) Launch SAS and run the following code in a program editor to launch The Link King:

    libname undup 'C:\link king';
    dm 'Af c=undup.undup_frames_64bit.intro.frame';

After launch, close the explorer/results windows on the left side of the screen and maximize The Link King interface.

4. For 32-bit/Unix installations

a) After completing #2 (above), unpack the SAS transport file undup_frames.cpt:

  libname output 'y:\buzz\delete';  /* change the path to the location where you want to save  undup_frames for the link king  */

  filename input 'y:\buzz\delete\undup_frames.cpt';  /* change the path to where you downloaded undup_frames.cpt */

  proc cimport infile=input lib=output;

NOTE: you must delete the undup_frames catalog before unpacking the transport file.

b) See if the “Summon Link King 32” shortcut works.

If not, modify the properties of the “Summon Link King 32” shortcut and/or lk_config_32.cfg


Launch SAS and run the following code in a program editor to launch The Link King:

   libname undup 'C:\link king';
   dm 'Af c=undup.undup_frames.intro.frame';

After launch, close the explorer/results windows on the left side of the screen and
maximize The Link King interface.

Record Linkage and Consolidation Software

The Link King Memorial Archive